Strategy |
The following framework is flexible and finessed to suit each project according to size and component complexities. Vital to the progression of ideas is an evaluation review with the Client’s Team at each stage :
- INITIAL DISCUSSIONS with the Client to establish “The Vision”, property boundaries or options, commercial objectives and parameters, budgetary expectations, known and probable planning and permit scenarios
- INTENSIVE SITE ANALYSIS - investigating the entire property to evaluate the optimum land uses to maximise the potential of golf course, real estate, hotel, ecological reserves and other commercial, leisure or amenity use. A ‘Constraints and Opportunities Study’ identifies factors influencing the possible “shapes” the development may take and highlights particular issues that need significant separate analysis (beyond the ever-present studies of environmental restrictions and water source availability)
- PRELIMINARY SITE ANALYSIS PLANS – evidencing the options for spatial development of the site and commercial / qualitative implications of each option
- PRELIMINARY GOLF COURSE ROUTING and ESTATE MASTER PLAN – developing the previous phase into defined zones reserved for golf on a basis of maximum overall benefit to the development, indicative locations of golf holes; preliminary budget costing
- DEFINITIVE GOLF COURSE ROUTING PLAN – development of precise locations of golf holes, academy , club house, maintenance compound; improved budget analysis
- STRATEGY PLAN – featuring an animation plan of each hole’s conceptual play, shot values, strategic differentiations, unique factors etc
- DETAILED DESIGN PACKAGE – a comprehensive set of documents and measurable working plans (prepared in 3D Computer Aided Design CAD format) are prepared for the inclusion in the Construction Bid and Contract Documentation
Individual Plans prepared for :
Staking Co-ordinates • Vegetation Clearance • Ecological Reserves Construction Area Setbacks • Topsoil Management
Contour Grading • Earthworks Cut and Fill • Drain Systems
Grassing • Landscape Feature Styles and Locations
Typical Design Details • Landscape Planting Concepts |
Documents : Irrigation Design Brief • Construction Specifications • Measured Schedule of Quantities
Optional extras : CAD generated fly-by / perspective simulations of holes as designed
- GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION MONITORING : a schedule of regular site visits by Principal Architect throughout entire Construction Period to monitor and fine tune the construction process; monthly reports, valuations and variation orders prepared as necessary.
- GRASS GROW-IN MONITORING : a schedule of regular site visits by Principal Architect throughout establishment of grassing to finesse grassing lines, mowing patterns, bunker preparation and readiness for Opening of the Golf Course.
- OPENING of GOLF COURSE : to include all presentational and PR requirements
- FUTURE ADVISORY VISITS : if and as required
Putting definitive time scales to the above activities is impossible as variations in site conditions and, more significantly, duration of permitting approvals vary widely throughout the world.
The earlier phases are often spread over many months, sometimes years, as property is acquired, planners evaluate proposals and project financing is arranged.
Typically our Detailed Design product phase requires 10 – 14 weeks of solid studio work with several site visits to verify reference points, positions of dominant features, lines of sight, grading nuances, team meetings etc. The period is typically interrupted by stages in Planning Authorities’ approval processes.
Golf Course Construction (ground breaking – grassing) can vary from 10 – 20 months dependent on site complexities and climate. The “Grow-in” of the grasses (first cut to first putt) is highly dependent on both seasonality and climate and can vary from 4 – 18 months (0˚ – 60 ˚latitude).